Batterham Memorial Award
The Batterham Memorial Award is a prestigious award conferred and supported by APSA in memory of Dr Ted Batterham, an internationally respected Australian researcher who made major contributions to pig science in Australia and internationally.
Nominations will open for the Batterham Memorial Award in the August before each conference. The Award includes AUD$6,000 to be used for personal or professional development to stimulate and develop innovation and initiative in the pig industry. It is anticipated that the Award will enable the recipient to broaden their exposure to national and (or) international pig science.
The Batterham Memorial Award is to be used to promote the development and initiative of the recipient and may include:
- Travel
- Research development (visiting relevant laboratories, learning new techniques)
- Professional development (for example, a communication course)
- Development of research capabilities (design and construction of a new piece of equipment)
- Any other purpose that, in the opinion of the selection committee, represents the best opportunity to promote the development and initiative of the recipient.
The winner of the Batterham Memorial Award will be announced at the Biennial Conference of APSA. The recipient will need to provide a written report to APSA within 3 months of completion of the activities undertaken. A copy of the report and a summary will be tabled at the November APSA AGM in the year of the conference after the Award is granted and distributed to all current APSA members.
The activities stated in the Award must be completed within 2 years of the recipient receiving the Batterham Memorial Award. The recipient will need to provide the APSA Committee with a copy of all receipts directly associated with the conduct of the Award, and an invoice provided to APSA up to the maximum of AUD$6,000.00 (GST free), for payment. Should the Batterham Memorial Award recipient fail to undertake the activities, or not complete them to the full extent, within 2 years of receiving the Award, the cash component or the remaining funds available will be forfeited by the recipient, unless an extension is granted. Where extenuating circumstances exist an extension beyond 2 years may be possible by submitting a request to the current APSA Committee. Approval of an extension and the length of the extension will be at the discretion of the current APSA Committee.
To assist you with your nomination, the following eligibility and selection criteria have been prepared:
- Within 10* years of graduation (undergraduate level); or
- Within 5* years of completing Masters/PhD studies; or
- A current post-graduate student
* These to be extended to 15 and 8 years, respectively, if the applicant provides sufficient evidence to the selection panel that their career was interrupted due to family circumstances or other extenuating events. The judges interpretation of this eligibility will be final and no correspondence entered in to.
The applicant must also:
- Be a current financial member of APSA;
- Be working in the pig industry or a related field; and
- Have not won the Batterham Memorial Award previously
Selection Criteria
To assist judges with the selection process, the following selection criteria should be addressed by the nominee as part of their application:
- Research outcomes delivered to the Australasian pig industry;
- Pig research experience and recognition of research abilities;
- Demonstrated degree of independence in the development of research programs;
- Relevant scientific publications in the field of pig science;
- Successful submissions for the conduct of research in pig science;
- Any innovations in pig research;
- Contributions to the promotion of pig science and the Australasian pig industry;
- Collaboration with pig scientists and scientists in other research disciplines;
- Application of pig science principles to solve problems for other industries or research fields.
Nominations will open in August 2025.
Selection Panel
- APSA President (Chair);
- APSA Vice-President; and
- Two independent representatives from the pig industry appointed by the current APSA Committee.
The decision of the selection panel will be final.