APSA Membership

From: $50.00 every 2 years and a $50.00 sign-up fee

Note: By signing up you agree to the following...
  • I wish to become a member of APSA
  • I support APSA’s purposes
  • I agree to comply with its Constitution
Your IP will be recorded for E-Signaure processes.

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APSA membership is due every second year and costs A$50 for students and A$100 for full members (plus 10% GST for Australian memberships). For this very small cost, APSA members receive discounted registration for the biennial conference, opportunities for professional development and networking with others involved in the pig industry both in Australia and internationally, and access to partner society member benefits, such as the British Society of Animal Science.

Additional information

Membership Level

Website Membership (Free. Required for purchasing proceedings and submitting abstracts), A$55 for Australian students, A$110 for Australian full members, A$50 for overseas students, A$100 for overseas full members, WEBMATRIX